Plant Care.




Water: March-October water sparingly every 4-8 weeks when the soil is very dry. 10-20ml (1-2 tablespoons) to each plant base taking care to keep any preserved moss dry. If the moss becomes damp, pat it dry.

October-March: Withhold water. If you have a particularly fleshy plant and the leaves appear to pucker, give the plant 10ml (one tablespoon) of water.

Light: Bright light is perfect for your open terrarium.




Your closed terrarium contains plants that thrive on humidity. You will see your terrarium with condensation, if this covers less than one third of the jar, add 20ml (two tablespoons) of unchlorinated water, rain water is ideal. Remove any leaves that may have shed and trim back your plant as it fills the glass.

Provide your closed terrarium with semi-shade, my closed terrariums are all filled plants that require low light conditions.